2 years of legal drug checking today!

Today we’re celebrating two years of the Drug and Substance Checking Legislation Act 2021. This was a landmark piece of legislation that let us move from a “giving the law the side-eye while we discreetly continue to test drugs” position to a place where we can stand proud and say “WE TEST DRUGS” and noContinueContinue reading “2 years of legal drug checking today!”

The MoDA has to go part 4: The changes Aotearoa deserves

So far in this series we’ve established that the Misuse of Drugs Act (MoDA) 1975 Is built on a foundation of racism and ignorance, doesn’t actually work to reduce drug use or drug harm, and is in fact causing extra harm that would not happen if it didn’t exist. So the question now is, whatContinueContinue reading “The MoDA has to go part 4: The changes Aotearoa deserves”

The MoDA 1975 has to go part 3: How it’s going

In our last couple of blogs we looked at the history of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and established that it’s mostly based on a mix of well-meaning but ignorant assumptions about the harms of drugs, moral crusading, cultural imperialism, and straight out racism. Read Part 1: How it started Read Part 2: TheContinueContinue reading “The MoDA 1975 has to go part 3: How it’s going”

The MoDA needs to go part 2: The War On “Drugs”

In The Misuse of Drugs Act needs to go Part 1 we discussed the beginnings of Aotearoa’s drug laws in the Victorian era and how the USA and the UN played a major part in what our drug laws looked like. In this post we look into the War on Drugs [TM] and how itContinueContinue reading “The MoDA needs to go part 2: The War On “Drugs””

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 needs to go part 1: How it started

With the general election happening in a matter of days, we thought a discussion on our drug legislation was in order. We have the opportunity to make some real progressive change in terms of the laws surrounding drugs, drug use, and the people that take drugs. So let’s take a look at the current legislation,ContinueContinue reading “The Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 needs to go part 1: How it started”