Update: more pills to be aware of this summer

With the festival season ongoing and many university Orientation events happening next week, KnowYourStuffNZ would like to provide an update of pills currently in circulation that may not be as they seem. This follows on from our notification of high dose MDMA pills prior to New Year. The pills have been identified in our testingContinueContinue reading “Update: more pills to be aware of this summer”

Eutylone report – “I felt poisoned for 48 hours”

KnowYourStuffNZ’s testing at festivals this summer has found that there are still dangerous chemicals being sold as MDMA (as well as a lot of MDMA).  One drug of concern is eutylone, which was described to us as “48 hours of misery”. Eutylone is a new cathinone (sometimes referred to as “bath salts”). KnowYourStuffNZ summarised theContinueContinue reading “Eutylone report – “I felt poisoned for 48 hours””

ALERT: 5F-MDMB-PINACA sold as crystal LSD

KnowYourStuffNZ has found 5F-MDMB-PINACA, a synthetic cannabinoid, in a sample of white powder that was presumed to be crystal LSD. The sample had been taken orally in a very tiny amount, and the experience was described as unpleasant and depressive with dissociative effects, and “Definitely not like LSD.” The sample was tested using FT-IR spectroscopy,ContinueContinue reading “ALERT: 5F-MDMB-PINACA sold as crystal LSD”

Notification: high-dose MDMA pills in circulation ahead of NYE 2019/2020

With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, KnowYourStuffNZ would like to advise people of high-dose MDMA pills currently in circulation. These have been identified in our testing so far this summer season, and are likely to be found around the country over the holiday period. These pills should be approached with caution. Users areContinueContinue reading “Notification: high-dose MDMA pills in circulation ahead of NYE 2019/2020”

Check in with your drug use this festival season: FUN or dysFUNctional?

Our new mascot Lil Pinger’s been hitting the bottle pretty hard and we think it’s time for an intervention.  She’s been neglecting her grass-eating and her social gambolling. All the dirt piles she used to be passionate about climbing remain woefully un-bounced upon. It’s just “bottle, bottle, bottle” with her lately.  It’s important to recogniseContinueContinue reading “Check in with your drug use this festival season: FUN or dysFUNctional?”