Partying in winter — Why are winter comedowns the worst?

Winter comedowns suck. Something about Washout Wednesday when it’s cold, wet, and miserable outside just makes it suck worse than in summer when everything is warm and golden. This is your brain. This is your brain on winter There is something about winter that, in some folk, kicks up depression symptoms. Seasonal Affective Disorder, hilariouslyContinueContinue reading “Partying in winter — Why are winter comedowns the worst?”

Partying in winter – Putting risks on ice

COVID blew a massive hole in the summer, so it looks like winter is going to be the party season. Like summer, winter has pretty specific things that you need to keep in mind to keep your risks at a minimum. Stay cozy, not crispy Certain substances can lead you to lose motor control. DrugsContinueContinue reading “Partying in winter – Putting risks on ice”